Posts tagged humour
6 Things People Don't Tell You About Blogger Friendships.

Blogger friendships. We hear a lot about them - we hear about amazing ones, we hear about bitchy ones, we hear about groups that have loads of them, we hear pleas from bloggers who don't have them. It's a buzzword, it's an aspiration, it's a club, it's a clique and it's a joy if you're fortunate enough to be part of one. 

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49 Thoughts You Have Moving From Apple To Android.

For those of you who don't know I made the big commitment to sell up my dying iPhone and move to android about a fortnight ago. The move wasn't one I wanted to make but it was made out of necessity. My iPhone 6 was on it's last legs, I have a £7.50 sim only contract, I couldn't justify to myself getting a new iPhone contract but couldn't afford to spend £600+ on a new one and here we are. One order of a refurbished Samsung Galaxy 6 for under 200 quid later and my Apple days are no more. 

But with my move from Apple to Android came a few noticeable differences....

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84 Things We All Think In Autumn

Autumn - the favourite season of all basic twenty somethings....including myself. 

If you aren't taking photos of your feet in leaves or with your first seasonal Starbucks cup of the year or furiously googling tartan blankets are you even really enjoying autumn? 

Here's a few things we're all thinking this time of year....

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43 Things You Remember If You Grew Up In Wales.

Being Welsh. For those who are it's maybe the best thing in the world isn't it? 

There's something about being Welsh that makes you part of community, part of something where people understand you, where people get you, where you all have shared memories. 

Here's 43 things you'll know if you grew up in Wales. 

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Girl Things I'm Not Any Good At.

Girls are super heroes - I have come to this conclusion over the years of both being a girl (shocker) and watching other girls. The things we can do, the things we can multi task, the things we go through and the things we put up with.....but we can't do everything. 

Here's a list of things other girls can do that I've never been able to master;

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Things That Only Happen At The Supermarket (When You're Old)

There are some things in life that just happen without you noticing. One day Tesco is the place your Mum drags you to after school and you protest and make it misery until you're old enough to be life in the car...the next day you're a real life adult going to Tesco because it's your responsibility. 

There are some things that only happen at the supermarket when you're a certified old person. 

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Songs Everyone Knows Somehow.

There are some things that are just life's little mysteries.....

The Bermuda triangle, what happened to flight MH370, why Instagram got rid of chronological feeds....some things we'll just never have the answer to. The latest addition to this list is how we all know the words to a bunch of songs we probably don't hear anymore - unless you're a DJ for weddings.

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Things That Happened When I Moved Home For 10 Days.

If you haven't seen me wanging on about it over on Insta stories, you might be forgiven for not knowing I've moved back to my childhood home for 10 days whilst my parents are away to house/cat sit. 

Now I've not been officially moved out of my parents house all that long, only since January but having my own place has definitely changed my mentality on coming home, whether it IS home or not anymore and what I love and not so much love about it - but that's a future blog post in the making. 

Here's a list of a few things that happened when I, a nearly 24 and a half year old actual adult human, lived alone in my childhood house for 10 days;

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Things I Text My Dad In The Past Fortnight.

Back in May I wrote a piece called 'Things I Text My Mum In The Past Fortnight', it was a simple idea - a series of texts I'd sent to my Mumma completely out of context. 

And you little lot bloody loved it. 

So I thought I'd come back with another post along the same lines today; but this time, things I text my Dad...

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If I Was Prime Minister (#LNBchat 07.06.2017)

Last night I had a Twitter notification from @LateNightBloggers saying I might be interested in last night's chat - the topic being what we'd do if we were Prime Minister. It was supposed to be a light hearted v humorous chat and was 100% up my street. I was so excited to take part, I knew it'd be a right laugh. And what happened? I started ironing, forgot all about it and 2 hours later realised my mistake (that's a downside of turning off push notifications FYI). 

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55 Thoughts We All Had On The Instagram Stories Update.