Posts in Lifestyle
9 Little Life Updates

Well 2021 lockdown hit different didn’t it?

Write blog post has been on my to do list every week for the last….three months? I used to pride myself on my ability to churn out daily content and there wouldn’t be a day where I didn’t have the laptop out in front of the tv. These days, the work life balance has been non existent and the idea of sitting in front of another screen has been the last thing I wanted to do - let alone find the bleedin’ time!

Finally though, in front of Gogglebox and snuggled up in a blanket on a Thursday evening I have the time to type a line or two - so what better way than to catch you up on what’s been going on.

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Sometimes, just sometimes during this pandemic, there’s a shift and just for a fleeting glance, it feels different. Just for a second, you forget there’s a world health crisis, forget you’re in lockdown, forget your troubles and actually enjoy it for a minute.

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8 Things That Happened Since We Last Spoke | 10.01.21
Twenty Twenty

I am going into 2021 with cautious optimism knowing full well the first few months are going to be hard, scary, upsetting and worrying but just holding onto the hope, the glimmer of better things to come, the chance to resemble something more normal, the knowledge that this will not be forever it just won’t be and a plea for a happier, healthier year for all the people I hold dear. And if I could go on my honeymoon that would be fab too.

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Twenty Eight | Local Lockdown
Lockdown - How I Really Feel

I am writing this at the end of 12 weeks since complete lockdown here in Wales, unsure what the assembly ministers will announce as our next step and whilst it’s likely it’s a move toward normality, it’s unlikely to be anything that different. 12 weeks since I last went to work, 12 weeks since I last saw my family, 12 weeks since I saw my colleagues, my friends, since I did my commute. And actually, longer than that for most.

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In Defence Of The Busy People

You’ll all have seen the memes about the two types of people in lockdown; the people who have taken up three new hobbies, have lost two stone and have grown vegetables…..and the people who have hibernated under a mountain of blankets for the last three months and had their Netflix subscription cancelled for overuse.

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11 Things That Have Happened Since We Last Spoke | 10.05.20

Ey up, it’s been a while. Apart from one redesign and one half arsed attempt at lockdown ~ content ~ , I haven’t really given this space any time since I finished my month of wedding posts back in March. And boy oh boy a lot has happened since then. I’m going to talk about Covid and lockdown and how I am in another post but for now, let’s act like we’re having a big ol catch up and I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to since we last spoke.

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Ways to Stay Productive in Lockdown

It is estimated that half of the global population is currently living in some sort of lockdown, or under social distancing measures. Here in the UK we are about to enter week 4 of lockdown, where we are restricted to only essential working, going out for one form of exercise per day and to the shops for essential items only.

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2010 - 2020 | A Decade in Review

I have only seen two new decades in my life (and a new millennium which will be a once in a generation thing soon), so it felt fitting when I have a platform full of my life and memories, to write about 10 years of them.

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2019: My year of letting go

My year of letting go didn’t turn out quite the way I envisaged when I wrote those prompts back in 2019 but then again, I’m not sure I ever really thought it would anyway. I haven’t decided on my theme for 2020 yet but here’s hoping I’m more accurate about whatever it will be.

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This is 27

It’s my 27th birthday today and as with every birthday that’s come before it since the age of about 21 when it started getting a bit same old same old, I am sat reminiscing about the last 365 days and how quick it’s gone. 27 years on this planet. In that time again I’ll be 54 and probably lived a whole other life.

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An ode to the end of summer.

August bank holiday - the start of the end of summer if I ever saw one.

British weather means it’s normally pouring, kids are picking out their pencil cases for school next week and you can practically feel the chill of autumn in the air.

And then, then August bank holiday 2019 came along, the rain that has plagued us throughout the month broke and the sun blazed through. And oh man what an end to summer it has been.

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1 year in work | 1 year out of self employment

As of today I have been working for 395 days and it has gone by faster than you can say ‘regular money’. I think it says everything you need to know about how I’ve found working full time with the fact that I wanted to write this post for my 1 year of work anniversary on July 24th and yet here we are, nearly a month later.

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