Posts tagged bloggerlige
In Defence Of The Busy People

You’ll all have seen the memes about the two types of people in lockdown; the people who have taken up three new hobbies, have lost two stone and have grown vegetables…..and the people who have hibernated under a mountain of blankets for the last three months and had their Netflix subscription cancelled for overuse.

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DIY Christmas Wreath.

For 2017 I decided to try a DIY Christmas wreath for our front door. We have a tiny one in the shape of a star I bought 2 years ago which is going on the back door this year so I thought I'd create something of my own to welcome our guests to our little grotto. 

It's super easy, you don't have to be a artist and you can make it as cheap or expensive as you want (my total spend was £13.50 but I have loads of bells, bows and buttons leftover for future projects!)

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43 Things You Remember If You Grew Up In Wales.

Being Welsh. For those who are it's maybe the best thing in the world isn't it? 

There's something about being Welsh that makes you part of community, part of something where people understand you, where people get you, where you all have shared memories. 

Here's 43 things you'll know if you grew up in Wales. 

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