Posts tagged music
Our Wedding Playlist

As much as I love live music and want to support some businesses and bands, our budget was never going to stretch to having someone play at our wedding and I have never seen the point of a dj at a wedding. For 25 quid instead we hired the speakers at our venue and I got the Spotify Premium free trial and we created and downloaded a playlist which spanned the whole wedding party and had everyone on the dance-floor.

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Songs Everyone Knows Somehow.

There are some things that are just life's little mysteries.....

The Bermuda triangle, what happened to flight MH370, why Instagram got rid of chronological feeds....some things we'll just never have the answer to. The latest addition to this list is how we all know the words to a bunch of songs we probably don't hear anymore - unless you're a DJ for weddings.

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Friday Favourites 14th - 20th November 2015