Posts tagged friendships
6 Things People Don't Tell You About Blogger Friendships.

Blogger friendships. We hear a lot about them - we hear about amazing ones, we hear about bitchy ones, we hear about groups that have loads of them, we hear pleas from bloggers who don't have them. It's a buzzword, it's an aspiration, it's a club, it's a clique and it's a joy if you're fortunate enough to be part of one. 

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How To Create The Ultimate Care Package.

This post came requested from a lovely school friend who recently got sent not one but six care packages over the course of a fortnight when she was in need of a little cheering up. She was pretty happy with her mini care packages and mentioned she'd never have had the thought, nor the ideas of what to put in the parcels.

A care package for those not in the know is a little parcel, letter, card or collection sent in the post or delivered in person when someone needs it most. A way of cheering someone up, letting them know you care and you love them, a way of helping when you sometimes can't physically be there. 

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An Open Letter To My Blog Squad.

An open letter to my blogging friends - to the gaggle of gals brought together by one fateful picnic and a shedload of laughs. 

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Friday Favourites 11th - 24th November 2017.

A month today will be Christmas Eve how about that? 

I think this fortnight can be summed up as tired. I haven't been sleeping particularly well and my life is mega busy so I was feel a bit downtrodden and knackered and like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders last week. This week though I've had a few nights where I've slept much better and it's done me the world of good and I've got loads of blogging done and am feeling pretty great about it. 

The next week though is set to be even busier (more on that further down the post) so I'm taking a moment this Friday lunchtime to reflect on the past two weeks and all the nicer bits. 

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The Importance Of Friendships In Your Twenties.

When you're in your teens your friends, the amount of them and the calibre of them were seemingly the most important thing in the world. If you had few friends you were a loser, if you had loads of friends you were popular and if you were part of the 'cool' ones then all the better. 

And then you leave school and go to university and graduate and start working life and those friends you had probably aren't your friends anymore and the rest of the world certainly doesn't know you were part of the popular crowd. Very quickly you're taught that actually it's the quality of friends you have that matters most over the quantity and having lots of friends isn't the be all and end all anymore. 

But your friendships in your twenties are just as important as those in your formative years - they're just important in a different way. 

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What It's Really Like Going Away With Bloggers.

"My parents said I shouldn't talk to strangers I booked a holiday with them."

This very much became the quote of the weekend when I went to Hampshire with my blogging pals. Ok so we weren't all strangers this weekend but we were at one point. Last summer Sarah had the idea of hosting a bloggers picnic and created a Twitter DM with us in it and the rest as they say is history. We were all game for organising the picnic and as most of you know, we hosted BloggersPitP (Bloggers Picnic In The Park) together in London in 2016. 

Having met in real life on the most part we made the ultimate commitment and gave out our phone numbers and made the transition to Whatsapp. We haven't really stopped talking since then, if one member of the group goes out you can regularly expect to come back to 300+ messages. 

So we did what any friendship group does when they're hankering to escape real life and take loads of candid photos - we booked a weekend away in Hampshire in the countryside. 

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Friday Favourites 2nd - 15th September 2017.

Hi soz I don't want to talk to you because it's been a week since I set off on my travels to see the blog squad in Hampshire and I am sad. 

But I can probably eek a few Friday Favourites out if you really want me to. 

It feels like we've been waiting for this weekend together for so long it's like it suddenly came around and I was all 'no no it's too soon I want the excitement to continue' and now it's over it's like shit what now? Isn't that always the way with holidays? So naturally we're thinking about what we can do before Christmas sets in......

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If We Were Having Coffee

At the end of last month one of my fav bloggers, Rachel from No Space For Milk tagged me in the 'if we were having coffee' tag and I am finally finally getting round to it (interestingly her intro is very similar to this...)

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Friday Favourites 8th - 21st July 2017.

It's been a busy old fortnight, every day has been taken up with something or other and whilst I've had to leave a few blog posts unfinished and unposted but actually my motivation and inspiration levels are on a high. My parents are away for a fortnight and I've moved back to theirs to house and cat sit and I am taking the opportunity of being away from everyone and everything to crack on and do all the things I want to do. I want to update my media kit and get loads of blogs scheduled and fix all my broken links and make a master plan of where I want to take my blog and I am pumped to get going. 

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Friday Favourites 10th - 23rd June 2017.

Well shit it's been a fucker of a fortnight to write about Favourite's hasn't it? From the fallout from the election to Grenfell to the terror attack in London on Monday to today - a happy one year anniversary of Brexit. 

But as always, here I am to say that whilst the world is falling apart and we're facing some of the toughest things thrown at this little island, there are small every day things to make us smile. Here's mine from the last 2 weeks...

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Friday Favourites 13th - 26th May 2017.
Friday Favourites 15th - 28th April 2017.