If We Were Having Coffee

At the end of last month one of my fav bloggers, Rachel from No Space For Milk tagged me in the 'if we were having coffee' tag and I am finally finally getting round to it (interestingly her intro is very similar to this...)

I'm kinda done with tags these days, I loved doing them when I started out but I feel like most of them are the same these days - which is why I wanted to do this one. It's not the same and it's actually quite a lot of fun. Plus Rachel said she'd like to have a real life coffee with me and oh my life I just need to meet this gal. 


If we were having coffee

The first thing I'd do is order a tea. I'm sorry, the smell of coffee is great and all but the taste just makes my face wince like I ate a lemon. I'd have a big pot of tea and drink about 3 cups and take about 10 sachets of sugar from the stand. I'd also hope we were there for dinner so I could have something yummy like a warm toastie or a gingerbread biscuit and maybs you could have one too. 

If we were having coffee

I'd actually be alright at small talk. I used to be crippingly shy and any kind of situation where I was with new people or new situations would make me sick for days but going to university forced me to be a confident little bean. I'd waltz in with a big "HIIIIIIII" and squish you up in a big hug and then launch into convo about the tea/coffee debate. The only bit that would make me nervous is not recognising you - I hate scanning a room for someone I might not know. 

If we were having coffee

I'd probably talk about blogging because chances are 90% of you reading this you're a blogger too. Or you might be Rachel in which case hi bub. I'd moan about tweet scheduling and brands that offer 'exposure' and we'd laugh over Twitter drama and discuss sponsored content. I'd tell you about posts I had planned and ask you about yours and we'd talk about events we'd been to. 

If we were having coffee

I'd ask you about your day and your life and what you've got planned this weekend. I'm nosey and I like to know allll about people. I'd ask about your family, about what your other half does and what your job is like day to day. I'd ask about your pets and I'd show you photos of my cat and my niece. It'd be like we've known eachother for 10 years before the afternoon is up. 

If we were having coffee

I'd get you to take a photo of me. I'd arrange the plates and mugs for the perfect flaylay, I'd take a snap of the oh so Instagrammable decor and then awkwardly pose for a photo. I'd look at my tea or slightly off to one side and pretend I didn't notice because #candid and you'd take 19039102489847 till we got one that didn't show my double chin in full light. Did we even go for a coffee if it wasn't documented on the grid? 

If we were having coffee

The hours would fly by cos really is there anything nicer than sitting in a coffee shop or tea rooms in big squashy chairs with a hot drink and a friend? Customers would come and go, our cups would be empty and we'd be people watching everyone go by all afternoon. And when we left I'd give you a huge hug and promise to do it again soon and then text you later to say what a lovely time I had. 


I'm not going to tag anyone because I don't know who has or hasn't done the tag but if you want to take it on please tweet me and let me know so I can nosey at your answers!

Make sure you check out Rachel's blog post too!


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