Posts tagged cbloggr
Travelling With Your Bullet Journal | Handy Tips & Pinnable Ideas

I have already expressed my love for bullet journaling when it comes to travelling but I really truly believe it’s where it comes into it’s own. I use my bullet journal extensively when I am travelling and it is the key to remaining organised and therefore remaining calm. We all know that whilst holidays are hopefully relaxing, actually getting there might be quite the opposite but your bujo should go some way to helping you out.

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My Month In Photos - December 2017.

Well well well we've come to the end of the month and the end of the year - isn't it satisfying it's ending on a Sunday and the new year is coming in on a new week? The stars have aligned my friends. 

It's been a long time I've been writing these posts, well over a year and I don't know if they, like my Friday Favourites, will be joining us in 2018. I just feel like they're a little stale these days and often I'm just repeating in one what I wrote on the other so idk where they're going, whether they'll come back in a new form or I'll just sack it off altogether. 

But anyway, less about what's to come (or what's not) - in the spirit of ending the year right, here's what I got up to in the last festive month. 

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Relationships In Your Teens vs Relationships In Your Twenties.

This is not a social comment on the nature of relationships in our teens vs the ones we have in our twenties. On the contrary, one of my teen relationships ended up being my twenties relationship too. No, this is more a social commentary on starting your relationship in your teens vs starting one in your twenties. 

Here's a few thoughts I've been having lately on starting relationships when you're 16 vs when you're 26.

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What It's Really Like Going Away With Bloggers.

"My parents said I shouldn't talk to strangers I booked a holiday with them."

This very much became the quote of the weekend when I went to Hampshire with my blogging pals. Ok so we weren't all strangers this weekend but we were at one point. Last summer Sarah had the idea of hosting a bloggers picnic and created a Twitter DM with us in it and the rest as they say is history. We were all game for organising the picnic and as most of you know, we hosted BloggersPitP (Bloggers Picnic In The Park) together in London in 2016. 

Having met in real life on the most part we made the ultimate commitment and gave out our phone numbers and made the transition to Whatsapp. We haven't really stopped talking since then, if one member of the group goes out you can regularly expect to come back to 300+ messages. 

So we did what any friendship group does when they're hankering to escape real life and take loads of candid photos - we booked a weekend away in Hampshire in the countryside. 

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