Posts in University/Student Life
What To Include In Your University Bullet Journal.

I graduated two years ago now but I can see the benefits of a bujo for university as clear as if I was still there. For maybe the first time you're somewhere where you're 100% responsible for yourself and for your organisation and having a bullet journal would definitely have been beneficial for me. Ohhhh if only they'd been a massive trend back then. I'm sure they were a thing but maybe not as popular as they are now but lord I wish I'd had one. 

I'd definitely have run through several journals whilst I was there with everything I'd fill it with. Here's my suggestions for what to include in your bujo for uni;

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Things I Wish I'd Done More Of In University.

It's that time of year when students are thinking about packing their lives back into boxes (or maybe didn't unpack all summer?) and heading back off to university. It's that time of year Mum's & Dad's around the country heave a sigh of relief as the car of their twenty something overgrown child rounds the corner. It's that time of year you start getting Fresher's deals emails through your inbox and that time of year those of us who have graduated curse our lack of student discount. 

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I Finished University 2 Years Ago Nobody Freak Out.
Why Being Competitive Isn't A Bad Thing.
I Graduated A Year Ago Today.
What I Learned From Moving Away & Back Again.