Posts tagged creative blogging
SHOP SMALL: Valentines Day Cards #JustACard

I don't mean to alarm you but Valentine's Day is fast approaching and it's about that time of year you start thinking about what card and gift you're going to get for bae.

#JustACard it might be to you, but to us who have spent months designing them (we probably started just after Christmas) your £2.50 adds up to everyone else's small change and creates us a business which means we can pay our bills and stock up on new designs to keep our shop stocked. 

Here's my top picks from some of my favourite designers (and myself, cheeky cheeky) for you to buy for V day 2018;

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Social Media & Blog Statistics - November 2017

I plain wasn't around enough this month to be of any use on social media but surprisingly my stats aren't really a reflection of that? I was reading Megan's roundup of her stats this month too and was struck by how similar our months tend to be. We often have bad months together and good months together and now have done very little to help ourselves yet have had decent months. So maybe the moral of the story of these posts is we can try all we want but in the end it's trends in blog reading and Pinterest that do all the work for us. 

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5 Minutes With My September Advertisers

Soooo for the first time ever I have ALL returning advertisers filling this month's slots. This is Naomi's third time but first Gold slot, Megan and Hailey have each done multiple months and both received freebie months and Ellen has been with me continuously for about 6 months! 

I feel like this is such a lovely testament to my blog, to my advertising and hopefully means I do a good job and they like being on my sidebar and actually see some benefits out of it <3 So thank you ladies for coming back time and time again - you're all absolute gems. 

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