Posts tagged arty
Handmade Fair Is On It's Way To Wiltshire!

Sometimes you just have a normal Thursday night planned in front of the TV with something beige to eat – and sometimes you get an invite to a press launch in another country and you just up and leave. Ok sure, admittedly the other country was England but a quick hours drive over the Severn saw me in Bristol last week with my blogging bae Sarah at the press launch for Handmade Fair at Bowood House.

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SHOP SMALL: Valentines Day Cards #JustACard

I don't mean to alarm you but Valentine's Day is fast approaching and it's about that time of year you start thinking about what card and gift you're going to get for bae.

#JustACard it might be to you, but to us who have spent months designing them (we probably started just after Christmas) your £2.50 adds up to everyone else's small change and creates us a business which means we can pay our bills and stock up on new designs to keep our shop stocked. 

Here's my top picks from some of my favourite designers (and myself, cheeky cheeky) for you to buy for V day 2018;

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DIY Fillable Baubles.

I promised you two DIYs this Christmas and I didn't disappoint did I? 

Following the success of my Christmas wreath I thought I'd try my hand at fillable baubles for our Christmas tree. I have a really sentimental tree theme, less about specific colours and more about things that mean something to us or a collection of things we've accumulated over the years. Every year we buy a few new baubles to add to the tree and this year I thought it'd be sweet if I had a go at making my own. 

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