Life's Small Pleasures.

It is no secret life is full of ups and downs, that is the whole point of it and sometimes I find it's only the biggest events you look back on and celebrate. For me, every day is full of happiness in some form or another, heck I even did a 365 days of Happiness challenge on Instagram in 2015 and I think it's the small pleasures in life that need to be celebrate too. 

Here's a few of my favourite day to day happiness. 

1. Driving in a convoy of cars with friends and family. 

2. One of them life saving cups of tea. 

3. Asking my niece 'what does the cow say?' and her mumbling mumumumumumumu. 

4. Finding something you wanted for ages is now in the sale. 

5. A fresh new notebook. 

6. Finding out one of your favourite shows has all it's seasons on Netflix. 

7. When you paint your nails perfectly with no smudges. 

8. Putting on clothes that have been warming on the radiator. 

9. Seeing a member of family when you're not expecting to see them. 

10. Getting a handwritten letter. 

11. A duvet cocoon. 

12. The first day of the year it's warm enough not to have to take a coat out. 

13. A McDonalds at 3am after a night out. 

14. A good hair day when you didn't even have to do anything to it. 

15. Pick & Mix at the cinema. 

16. When it's freezing outside and you get in the house or the car and it's like a warm hug. 

17. When someone tweets you or texts you something lovely out the blue. 

18. A fake tan with no streaks. 

19. Afternoon tea with scones. 

20. One of them Sundays when you stay in a blanket on the sofa with the family. 

21. Board games. 

22. A stuffed toy you've had since childhood. 

23. A night in a hotel in fresh white sheets. 

24. Sunset. 

25. When the leaves on the trees turn the colour of red brick. 

26. Packing for a holiday. 

27. Belly laughing with friends. 

28. When someone unexpectedly makes your favourite meal. 

29. When your makeup is on point with minimal effort. 

30. A walk on the beach. 

31. When my niece gives me a kiss. 

32. Snow days. 

33. Going to bed on Christmas eve. 

34. The dog jumping up on the bed for a cuddle. 

35. A big family meal or event with like 20 people. 

36. Watching the groom at a wedding. 

37. Fluffy socks or slippers. 

38. Someone buying you flowers. 

39. Driving with sunglasses on and the windows down. 

40. Redecorating. 

41. The glow in a room with just fairy lights or a lamp on. 

42. A striped breton tea, ripped jeans and sandals.

43. Finding you can walk in a pair of heels. 

44. A perfectly executed bullet journal page. 

45. The first lamb you see in the fields. 

46. The way your hair feels after you've been to a hairdresser. 

47. A chip shop tea. 

48. When bobble hat season starts again and you don't have to worry about your hair. 

49. That feeling when the house is spotlessly clean. 

50. A blog post that reminds you of all the little things in life that you love (see what I did there).


What are your favourite little things in life? Leave me a comment and let me know! 





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