Are We Wishing Our Lives Away Starting Christmas This Early?

I found this polaroid of Christmas decorations from 2011. Legit looks like I lived in the 70s. 

The C word. The most controversial word uttered on November 1st. Yuh huh, Christmas. 

My Twitter feed yesterday was FULL of people announcing how Christmas had started for them now it was November and in equal proportions, people like DO NOT UTTER THAT WORD UNTIL AT LEAST DECEMBER. 

I fell into the former camp, complete with Christmassy GIF. 

But it got me thinking, the two opinions which are quite polar opposite. I saw a few tweets about not wanting to wish our lives away, wish November away to get Christmas underway and honestly, I'm not sure if that's the case. 

I spent today in Cardiff with my Mum and whilst she thought the decorations were super pretty, she did keep reminding me it was 'too early'. 

In contrast yesterday my grandparents jokingly asked my Dad if he'd got the Christmas song CD in the car and he replied 'no but only because I forgot this morning.'

You can see who I take after. 

I was in no way surprised to see Cardiff all decked out with Christmas lights and trees and stockings and all the market stalls. Retail has to start Christmas early, it comes as no surprise, I mean is anyone else counting down the days till the John Lewis ad launch? I spent yesterday Googling decorations and gifts and then I went to Asda because I just NEEDED to buy something festive. FYI I bought a walrus tree decoration. For reals. 

But by buying into it, by decking the halls in November are we simply wishing our lives away? Are we wasting November by wishing it was December? Is counting down the days till the 25th just not appreciating all the days in between? 

Personally I don't think so. 

For me, the entirety of Winter is Christmas. For me, Autumn is already winding down and Winter is coming (expect a LOT more of that GOT reference). For me, after my birthday I am waiting for November so I can start thinking of Christmas lists and presents and decorations.

But am I wishing my life away? I don't think so.

I'm not wishing it was Christmas already by any means, if anything I start the festive season so early in my life because I want to make it last as long as possible. It's my favourite time of the year, I want it to last more like 2 months than 2 days. 

The best bit about Christmas for me is the excitement of hoarding. As it currently stands the top of mine and my boyfriend's wardrobes are housing A LOT of Christmas trees and decorations that I've collected over the years and inside my wardrobe is the start of my Christmas present shopping. 

So far I've only got some books and clothes for my niece which I got in the sales a little while back but now it's November I can start making lists and plans and start getting a collection going. 

I like buying decorations and being excited to put the tree up. I like opening the boxes and bags and finding stuff I forgot about, stuff I got last Christmas, stuff I bought in uni that have memories attached. 

I like having presents and secrets in my wardrobe and hidden around my house. I like knowing secrets and what other people have got and I don't wrap anything until the last minute so I can see allll the lovely things I've bought people. 

Then about a week to go I love wrapping the presents with the HUGE collection of wrapping paper I have. I love adding ribbons and strings and stickers and tags and take a lot of pride in the perfect wrapping. I love having bags and bags and boxes under my tree waiting for family members to receive. 

For me, starting getting into the Christmas spirit doesn't mean wishing my life away. It simply means extending the excitement longer and longer.

And for those who don't get that Christmassy feeling till the big event itself? That's ok too, there's plenty of Christmas to go around! 

But ya know, if you legit hate Christmas and it really isn't your thing then my blog the next 2 months is probably not going to be your thing.