2 Years Of Bullet Journaling - A Birthday Celebration.

In May I had my two year blogging anniversary. Yes I remember the date well, yes I started mid way through the year the first time because I just couldn't wait till January to start what I suspected would be a new stationery addiction (and I was correct). 

Bullet journaling was very much 'the' thing of 2016 and every blogger and influencer and dog were in on the trend. I remember distinctly the amount of people who got collabs I could only dream of based on bullet journaling who didn't have creative bone in their body - and have not mentioned the bujo since. No not bitter at all. 

I myself have taken to the bullet journaling trend like a duck to water and have very much stuck at it, not only enjoying it in my personal life but also have made a successful lil name for myself as a bullet journal blogger, making a bit of extra cash off the back of it and creating the odd viral pin or two. 

It's safe to say bullet journaling has changed my life and that's no exaggeration. Aside from the major impact it's had on my productivity and the over haul of my organisation, it's generated a massive part of my audience and in some ways contributed to my Blogosphere Awards nomination because it definitely got my name out there to all those cherubs who voted for me. 

So here's a little appreciation to the humble bullet journal and our two year love affair;


Why I love it; 

I have waxed lyrical about my bullet journal for the whole two years now and it's unlikely my obsession is stopping any time soon. I mainly love the versatility of it and I think that's the main reason it's become so popular, and why so many people have gravitated toward it. Don't get me wrong, the traditional journal is wonderful, some people need the structure of a page a day or a monthly calendar and a week to week view but for me I found I wasn't using it effectively anymore because it just didn't function for me. 

When bullet journaling fell into my lap through bloggers (Hannah Emily Lane the main culprit imo) I was using three notebooks and a million post it notes to manage my life - but now it's all condensed in one handy Leuchtturm. I have been able to satisfy my creative habits filling my journals with doodles, headers, banners and pictures AND organise my life in a way that's manageable for me and that hun is why my eyes still fill with love heart emojis whenever I journal. 

What it's done for me; 

I wrote a whole blog post about how bullet journaling transformed my productivity but it really cannot be quantified. I have always been an organised person but as life gets busier things are slipping and my mind is full of what needs to be done today, what needs to be done tomorrow, what needs to be done next week, month, year and what everyone else needs to be doing too. 

My bullet journal has allowed me a space to add important events, meetings and appointments alongside a reminder to text my pals good luck for the new job alongside which blog posts I wanted to write that week. It's given me the space to micro manage all sides of my life and has given me back my motivation and organisation when my head was full. 

How I feel 2 years on;

Well I can't see it ending can you? I am about to commit to my second bullet journal of the year and I should think 2019 will see me fall in love with it even more. 2 years on and my bullet journal appreciation has only got stronger and my obsession with other people's for inspo has only grown. 

2 years on maybe the trend has dulled, maybe the interest has waned for some people but for me it's only growing month on month. I am adding more, I am using it more, I am relying on it more and I am sure that won't be stopping any time soon. 

Where we take our relationship from here;

Well I spose we continue on into married bliss don't we? It looks like we'll be a team for a long time to come and hopefully my bullet journal likes me quite as much as I like it. <3


Read some of my fav old bullet journal posts here:


Shop bullet journal supplies here!*

*These are affiliate links. If you shop using them I will earn a tiny bit of commission at no extra cost to you.