3 Free Bullet Journal Printables For Christmas.

It's Christmas (hi did you know?) and Christmas means organising. 

For us bullet journal fanatics organising only comes in one form and that my friends is a festive bullet journal spread. There are a million and one bujo Christmas spreads on Pinterest, all to help you organise for the big day.

From cards to presents to food to guests - Christmas can be a minefield and stress inducing to say the least. Last year I shared some festive doodles, borders and typography with you and this year I decided to go bigger and better and create a few printable spreads you can add to your journal. 

If you're more Mrs Claus than the Grinch then you can save these for later and if you're ahem, a little less worried about the impending countdown on the 15th then hopefully this will help you work out your plans, your cards and your presents still left to get. 

Enjoy bujo babes! 

Download your free printables here!

Downloadable PDF file

As always my free printables are for personal use in your bullet journals only, please do not replicate, sell or claim as your own design.