Migrating Bullet Journals

My life is busy, my bullet journal is busy and thus, I have had two bullet journals for the last few years. One bujo just doesn’t cut it for me anymore and with two journals comes the need to move between them.

For some people, migrating between journals is second nature and maybe your journal isn’t year on year, maybe you chop and change whenever the need takes you but for me, it’s a new year new bujo. For 2018 I had a sunny yellow little number between January and June and now I am working from a berry one which I switched to in July and will see me through to the end of the year.

You can read my tips on how to migrate between journals here but for this post, here’s a mini flip through on how I’ve done it this time….

I forward plan a lot in my bullet journal, from calendars to future logs to to do lists and so at the end of June I started to look forward into the next month and the next journal. At the end of the month I created a mini diary for the following week as the first week of July was crazy busy with a birthday, house guests and a weekend away all thrown into the mix. I also created a July master to do list to start adding to so I didn’t forget anything and then I replicated that in my new bullet journal.

When it comes to starting a new bullet journal I like to sit back and analyse what’s gone in the 6 months past and what I might take into my new notebook. I look at the way I track things, what I track, what works and what doesn’t and then I amend it for my second journal of the year. At the end of June I wrote down what I wanted to take into my new journal because it’s always better to have it in writing innit? Combined with that, I added a little Pinterest mood board full of motivational summery pics and a little quote to take forward into the rest of the year.

This time though I decided to do something a little different and take a slow evening to think about the last 6 months and where I wanted to go with the next 6. I found one of those ‘20 questions to ask yourself at the end of the year’ thing on Pinterest and chose my favourite few to answer and I really enjoyed the results. Deffo going to ask myself the same things at the end of 2018.

But my favourite thing of all this time around was my decision to capture some of my favourite memories in the back two pages. I went back through my calendar and took the memories that stood out the most to me, from holidays to weekends away to the little things and I popped them all onto one spread with some fancy fonts and it’s undoubtedly my most favourite thing I’ve done.

Pin me for later!

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