International Women's Day


Wednesday March 8th marks International Women's Day 2017 and it's taken the world by storm. I wrote a post last year to celebrate the occasion about the importance of it and how to unleash your inner Queen Bee but this year I feel like it's EVERYWHERE. From social media to blogs to Instagram to the news to marches....I feel amazed by today. 

I feel in awe of all the amazing powerful inspirational women I know in real life, those I wish to know and those I aspire to be. I feel overwhelmed by the positivity and the YASS SLAY GURL attitude and how ace it all is. I mean, don't trawl the hashtag on Twitter without being outraged by how shit people are (mainly men today, soz pals) but other than that? I'm feeling so pumped and motivated and proud so I thought I'd share some of my fav quotes and slogans for you to get the same bloody cursing your veins and the same fist bump let's have Shout Out To My ex blaring in the car feeling.

As always, I don't own these images and if you are the creator and would like them credited differently please let me know!