Words Of Wisdom - September 2016.

You might remember I switched up this little segment last month and dropped from 5 quotes for the month to just the one and I am so much happier with it. The old set up was a bit stale even though I hadn't been doing it long and this one is much easier (and enjoyable) to write. 

So here we are, another month, another quote to get you, motivate you and save as your desktop background or summin. 

I have a really good feeling about September- I think good things are coming for me and you this month. September is always the start of new beginnings in the same way January is, schools are back, Freshers are off to uni and it just oooozes the potential to be a turning point no? 

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a that teaches you a lesson."

It had to have some connection to going back to school didn't it? But ohhh isn't it true?  Funnily enough I have a mini series going up in a week or two about what I learned from school and university (other an academia) so this is all tying in nicely. 

I think you spend a lot of time in school thinking something better is coming, that all the high school drama will be left in high school, that your twenties will be the decade you 'make it'. But school doesn't really prepare you for that. School doesn't tell you that the high school drama just gets replaced by university drama and work place drama and family drama. That your twenties are actually in fact the era in which you struggle and graft and have all the quarter life crisis.

But. That drama, that struggle, that graft is all there to test us and if nothing else, we'll have a few good stories to tell when we're old and ripe. 

School doesn't teach you a lot of things but life definitely does. If you've not had the summer you wanted, not had the year you wanted, use September to take a deep breath and remember that the shit times are sent to test us. 

I've not has the best time the past 2 years but I'm damn sure I've learned a lesson or two from it. I'm damn sure what I wouldn't do again, how I'd act differently in the same situation and as bleruggghh as it all was, I am a more confident and self assured person because of the crap times. 

If you need a little pick me up this month, bookmark this post, pin this quote, print it out or save it on your phone and remember even though summer is nearly done and dusted, even though life is chaos, you can learn something and find a positive in everything. 

If you're heading back to school this week or packing up your belongings for Freshers or even going back to uni this month, I hope this term is the start of something wonderful for you. 





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