1 Winter Photo Challenge

It's officially winter. Christmas is a mere few days away, I have eeked out my autumn photo challenge for as long as I can but it's time to admit defeat, it's over. 

Luckily to cure the blues (or at least give you some Instagram inspo again) I'm back with my Winter Photo Challenge. 

The system is the same as the last two times for those who took part before, but for the newbies amongst you there's a free printable or downloadable checklist of prompts below ready for you to snap away and tick off. Use the hashtag #ourtwentysomethingwinter to keep track of everyone's progress and have fun! As before, there's no start date or deadline to finish by so if like me your feed is feeling a little bit festive at the mo you could tick off the Christmassy posts and leave everything else till the new year. 

I have deliberately put in a mix of Christmas and non Christmassy prompts to -hopefully- suit every feed and every theme and don't forget to follow me here to see what I've been snapping!