My Month In Photos - December 2015
I could have essentially renamed this segment 'Lots of photos or Christmas and a few of my new car' but ya know, that doesn't have quite the same ring to it as my more regular title.
I say it EVERY month but seriously, December has gone even quicker than all the rest (I think advent has something to do with it, counting down days and all that) and suddenly 2016 has crept up on us.
Let us crack on.
1. Wintery Illustrations.
I got my act together this month and did some illustrating for my own personal work in between furiously finishing jobs and creating 7249023750935 prints for presents. I even managed a colour collective, what magic December can generate.
2. Content.
In case you didn't notice, this month I completed 25 days of blogging advent calendar and it threw up (in the nicest possibly way) some of my favourite content. Most notably 21 Emotions Everyone Experiences At Christmas through the medium of GIFS and my Christmas haul from yesterday but also my Christmas wishlist and all my happy "You Go Gals" motivating posts.
3. My Baby.
My poor car is nearly 3 weeks old and is still nameless. I am struggling, I am thinking a girls name and I am thinking modern and a bit sassy. I feel like if it had a personality, this car would be well groomed and mainly wear Daniel Wellington Watches and items of good quality but not too designer. It'll come to me I'm sure. My new found freedom in my new car has been the biggest change this month (note the impeccable parking with the boyfs matching car- he didn't hit it I swear). For the first time I have been able to sneak in and out of my house when I want to leave late at night or come home to work at some ungodly hour of the morning and my parents don't know. I feel like every 16 year old in American chick flicks.
4. The Festive Spirit.
It took a bit longer this year (I'm talking end of November not October 18th after my birthday as normal) but the festive spirit well and truly hit. The decorations, the wrapping, the presents, I went all out this year and it was red and gold and magnificent.
5. New Home.
I moved into my new home with the other half somewhere slowly between the end of the November and the beginning of December. We have been so back and forth and busy working and Christmassing we have barely had time to stop and spend some time together (kinda the point of living together but ah well) but we have managed two meals in about 3 weeks! We planned a really cute date at home and a first nicely cooked meal but we came home so late we made chicken and chips and it was wonderful (we did manage a roast a few days later). There's hope for us yet.
6. F & F.
No not the Tesco clothing label, this time it's friends and family. Christmas is always a time for these lovely folks but this year with a niece and a whole extended family for the first time, it was a very busy few weeks. I caught up with my university flatmate before Christmas for the first time in 4 months, I spent Christmas eve with my niece, I saw my brother on Christmas day for a few hours and my cat decided my bed and my laptop were the best places to stay. Beaut.
7. Christmas Day.
I'd be a fool not to mention the most important day in December wouldn't I? It was different this year, traditions were broken and new ones were made but I was lucky enough to get a shed load of adorable presents and I had festive nails and I made good use of my Christmas jumper and me and my brother continued our tradition of ruining the decoration on my mother's Christmas cake by turning it into a blood thirsty depiction of Channel 4's Fargo. Soz ma.
I'm working on a post for January of my year in photos so keep your eyes peeled, it might happen you never know!