Posts tagged jury
What To Expect From Jury Service.

So you've been called for jury service. 

This happened to me just after Easter this year, I took the bundle of letter off the postman and the top one had Her Majesty's Prisons & Courts symbol on it and I just knew. I turned it over praying it wasn't for me and whadda ya know - it was. I was summoned for a fortnights jury service in Cardiff in the last fortnight of June and it terrified me from the moment I opened the letter. 

It's a nerve wracking thing. Most people you speak to will either say they wish they could do it or that they'd hate to but I didn't know anyone that actually had. I think the scariest part for me wasn't even the idea of what trial I might have but actually just the fear of the unknown. The letter you get sent with your summons is very formal and very brief, just giving you an outline of your summons and what forms you had to fill in next. 

So from a young person who has recently done the biggest service you can as a British civilian; here's what to expect after you've received your summons. 

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