How To Motivate Yourself Back Into Blogging.

This was not the post I intended to write this morning, that was titled 'things I contradict myself on' but I just sat down to pen it and I just didn't have the motivation. It's partly because we went on a 3 hour round trip at 9pm last night in the pissing rain so I'm like a zombie and it's partly because I can't remember what thought sparked the title and what examples I had.

But it got me thinking about blog motivation and about what makes us want to write and what to do if we don't have the right vibe. So here's a couple of fail safe ways I motivate myself back into blogging when the mojo is somewhat lacking.

1. Don't force it and take a break. 

The absolute golden rule - never force yourself to write if you're not feeling it cos chances are it won't be your best work and you'll feel worse for publishing something you're not happy with. If you're feeling unmotivated to blog at all then just leave it for a bit and slowly eek your way back into it. Sometimes I just don't feel like it and then one day I'll bit hit with the urge to just get typing again and then you're back in the game. 

2. Go back to paper and pen. 

Sometimes it's the laptop or the computer that is draining your motivation, especially if your day job involves in a lot of desk digital based work. If this is the case try taking it back to basics and get a pen and paper out. Doodle, scribble ideas, just get words down. It doesn't have to be a full on blog post written by hand it could just be ideas but sometimes just getting off the screen will be all the motivation you need. 

3. Pinterest. 

The holy grail of motivation and inspiration. Just half an hour on Pinterest can give me about 30 blog post ideas and it's never failed me yet. There are a million and one links to blog post ideas or ways to get your blogging mojo back but you don't even have to search anything - just pinning images, looking at other people's accounts can often be the shift you need. 

4. Get snapping.

It doesn't have to be actual blog writing that gets you back into the swing of things, just getting my camera out will often be enough to get the vibes back. Don't put the pressure on yourself to get out and get blog worthy images and the best flatlay you've ever taken but just shoot something local, get pics in your back garden, just snapping away will get those creative juices flowing. 

5. Read other blogs. 

My second go to after Pinterest is other people's blogs. Never ever nick ideas and claim them as your own but getting inspiration from your favourite accounts can be the jolt you need. I have a good 10 blogs that I'll go to immediately for inspiration, the ones with the best words, the ones with the best imagery, the blog squad and then something in their writing, in their archives will give me inspiration. It might be something you want to respond to, an image of theirs that sparks a memory or just a turn of phrase that gets you. 

6. Scrapbook.

There is something about a real life Pinterest board that gets me all inspired, which in turn gives my motivation a massive shift. Turning off all the digital things in my life and just sitting down with a load of images and quotes that inspire me and a pair of scissors and some glue is so relaxing and does wonders for my motivation. Just do something crafty and create a physical moodboard and that might be just the ticket. 

7. Ignore your stats. 

The worst thing you can do when you're taking a break from blogging is to obsessively check your stats which will undoubtedly be dropping off through lack of content. If you are checking them then remember they're likely to be lower and don't let that demotivate you again. If you can, just simply don't look and get on with real life not focusing on what's happening online whilst you're away. 

8. Watch something.

Watch Youtube, watch Tv, watch a film - whatever it is that you normally do, take some time out to sit and watch something. Maybe it'll become part of a favourites list, maybe it'll be something you have a response to, maybe there'll be something that just gives you an idea for a blog post and you'll get typing again. 

9. Take to Twitter. 

Twitter can be a hive of inspiration if you use it right and don't let it become a drain or a way to procrastinate. Speak to other bloggers, take part in a twitter chat, set up a poll asking what content people most like to see you write, share old posts and see what gets a good reception. If it's full of things that make you unhappy have a big unfollowing spree and make your feed a happy place full of people who motivate you. 

10. Search Insta.

Whether it's just scrolling your own grid and taking inspiration from your own posts or looking at your feed and everyone else's images. You can also search for new inspiration or have a look at the popular feed to see if there's anything that sparks an idea for a blog post - even if it's just 'why are there so many Z list celebs on the most popular page of Insta'. 

11. Make a calendar schedule. 

You might not be the next Zoella and you might not have an editorial calendar or schedule your blog posts ahead of time (me) but having a calendar schedule in physical form might be what you need to kick start your motivation again. Spending a good half an hour carefully drawing out the lines, designing your calendar and then thinking of content to go in it is a good way to spend a half hour in my opinion. 

12. Redesign your blog. 

Well nothing like a new lick of paint to get the ol' juices flowing is there? I had a massive resurgence of motivation when I redesigned my blog from top to toe and it can be all you need to get back into the swing of it. Have a real deep think about whether your lack of motivation to blog is because you're all outta ideas or whether the way your site works just isn't cutting it for you and if it's the latter then get cracking with a new layout. 

13. Do the little tasks. 

There are a million and one background tasks you can do if you want to be on your blog but don't have the motivation to actually write something. Reply to blog comments, comment on other people's posts, fix all them broken links, add some new widgets, update the photography on old posts, get nifty with some SEO implementing....

14. Test out headers. 

There are millions of header templates for blogs both on Google and on Pinterest that you can search in order to come up with something. You know the type, the '10 things I know about.....' or '5 beauty hacks for......' Get a few titles hashed out on paper and maybe only half will come into fruition but those half are bound to get you thinking about 20 more. 

15. Work on something seasonal. 

It's always good content for when the rest of your idea bank is all dried up. Seasonal content is evergreen because hey whadda ya know - the seasons come around every year. We've officially started Autumn as I write this so crack out the golden oldies and start writing up about your fav Autumn rituals. what you're looking forward to in the new season, your love for warm drinks and all the tartan accessories you've got your eye on. 

16. Take on a challenge. 

It could be a social media challenge like my Autumn Instagram one or it could be a blog tag like the 'coffee' one but sometimes a challenge or a tag is the best way to get yourself typing without the pressure of creating an amazing piece of literature. 

17. Get out of the house. 

This is my Mum's answer to everything; a cold? Get outdoors. Feeling down? Get outdoors. She swears by it and I have to say she's never been proved wrong and I know I feel a million times better for it when I listen to her. Get out of the house, blow all the cobwebs out of your hair and get some inspiration from the world around you. 

18. Set a timer. 

What better way to motivate yourself than with treats? Set yourself a half hour timer and bash out some words, any words, and then give yourself a piece of chocolate when you're done. There's no motivation like a little summin summin and just writing will get you feeling more inspired the more and more you do it. 

19. Work with someone else. 

Working with my blogger friends on our weekend away was the most motivated and inspired I've felt for blogging in a long long time - and I am rarely unmotivated with it at all. You don't need to have a blog squad around you all the time (but bonus if you do) but just to be around people, to bounce ideas off eachother, to get advice...working with someone else is a godsend. Catch up in a coffee shop in your local town and get working away together. 

20. Just write something. 

Anything. I am a firm believer in the 'write anything' when you're feeling blog stuck but want to get back into it. Once you've taken a break and the pressure to write again becomes too much you've had it. You can stare at the laptop with an empty 'draft new post' for hours on end with the pressure to write something 'good enough' and you'll get nowhere. My single biggest piece of advice is to just get typing away - write what you've been up to whilst you've been on a blogging break, get all your thoughts out, have a massive brain dump and then never publish if it's shit. At least it got you going. 


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